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The Nephrology department at Aster CMI Hospital provides comprehensive care for patients with a wide range of kidney diseases. Whether you're dealing with acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, or acute or chronic renal failure, our team of nephrologists is here to offer their expertise and support.

We start with a thorough evaluation to identify the cause of renal failure or worsening renal function. This process aims to uncover any reversible or treatable factors that may be contributing to your condition. Once the cause is determined, we tailor an appropriate management plan to address your specific needs.

For patients facing end-stage renal failure, we have established a state-of-the-art dialysis center to provide vital kidney support. Our facility is equipped to handle a high volume of kidney transplants, ensuring that patients who undergo this life-changing procedure receive the best post-transplant care available in the state.

Our services span a broad spectrum of nephrology expertise. We excel in managing patients with acute kidney injury, critical care nephrology, and glomerular diseases. Chronic kidney disease is a focal point of our care, and our team of experts follows up with patients to monitor their condition regularly. This proactive approach helps maintain their health and prevent complications.

When it comes to renal replacement therapies, we offer various options. Haemodialysis, a crucial treatment for many patients, is administered with care at our in-house dialysis unit. We routinely insert temporary and permanent jugular catheters, ensuring the process is as comfortable and effective as possible. Our goal is to enable patients to lead healthy, active lives that resemble normality as closely as feasible.

We are also one of the few centers in Bangalore that insert Peritoneal dialysis catheters under local anesthesia. This method provides flexibility for patients who can choose manual exchanges or automated peritoneal dialysis using a cycler. In some inspiring cases, even young children have thrived on peritoneal dialysis, continuing their education and leading lives just like their peers.

Kidney transplantation is a field where our department has excelled. With expertise developed over more than 800 transplants performed in the last 15 years, we specialize in live related and deceased donor transplants. Our success extends to pediatric transplants, with excellent outcomes. Notably, we handle high-risk transplants, including those involving highly sensitized patients and dual vessels. We've even ventured into ABO-incompatible transplants with results comparable to ABO-compatible transplants. Post-transplant, more than 90% of our patients experience stable graft function.

At Aster CMI Hospital's Nephrology department, we aim to provide the most advanced care for patients dealing with kidney-related issues. Our multidisciplinary team, state-of-the-art facilities, and unwavering

dedication to patient well-being have positioned us as a leading Nephrology center, not only in Bangalore but throughout Southern India.

Our Doctors

We have some of the best specialists from around the world, they bring years of experience and offer evidence-based treatment to ensure the best care for you.


Want to find out more about the treatment? The answer to your questions can be found below.

What is the difference between a Urologist and a Nephrologist

Urologists help diagnose and treat disorders related to the male reproductive system as well as conditions and diseases of the urinary and genital tract in men, women, and children. Nephrologists, on the other hand, help take care of patients with kidney diseases. They are the only specialists trained to provide dialysis for kidney failure treatment. Nephrologists are also part of the kidney transplant teams though they don't operate, they are called as kidney doctors

What are some of the common conditions that Nephrologists treat

Nephrologists can help diagnose and treat the conditions like blood or protein in urine, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Kidney stones, Kidney infections, Kidney swelling due to glomerulonephritis or Interstitial nephritis, Polycystic kidney disease, Haemolytic uremic syndrome, Renal artery stenosis, nephritic syndrome, End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD), Acute and Chronic kidney failure. They may also be involved in other diseases which could act as contributing factors to kidney disease or dysfunction like - high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune conditions (Ex: lupus) or any other medications affecting kidney functions

What are the facilities available at Aster CMI for Robotic Kidney Surgery treatment

The Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Nephrology & Urology ranks number one in Robotic Kidney Transplant in Bangalore and South India, having the highest number of cases done to its credit, making us one of the best kidney treatment hospitals in Bangalore. The department specializes in traditional as well as Laparoscopic, Robotic, and Laser surgery for various kidney and urinary conditions. Robotic surgery at Aster CMI is conducted using the Da Vinci Surgical Robot, which is a state-of-the-art robotic system designed to perform complex surgery in a minimally invasive manner with greater precision. It is primarily used to perform prostatectomy, nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, ureteral reimplantation, and kidney transplants. Aster MARS is South India's Largest Robotic Kidney Transplant Program. Robotic Technology offers a high level of precision, to ensure tremor free movement of the instrument, thereby causing no damage to the graft kidney

Why should I choose Aster CMI Hospital for my Urology and Nephrology related issues

Aster CMI Hospital has established its reputation as one of the best kidney transplant hospitals in Bangalore. We have some of the best nephrologists in Bangalore efficiently treating all types of Nephrology (kidney related) issues. Our dedicated and experienced urologists are capable of undertaking a quick diagnosis of complex urological diseases and provide the best clinical solutions. Supported by a caring and efficient team, world-class infrastructure and a multidisciplinary approach, we aim to retain our position as one of the top Nephrology & Urology hospitals in Southern India

What is Dialysis? Who will need dialysis?

When both the kidneys stop functioning and are not able to sustain life, we call it as end stage renal disease. Renal replacement therapy in the form of haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation is required for survival.

What is peritoneal dialysis?

Peritoneal dialysis fluid is instilled into the abdomen and exchange of water , solutes happens between the blood  and the peritoneal fluid . Peritoneal dialysis is ideal for children, elderly , patients with multiple vascular access failure, and those with heart failure

What are different kinds of kidney transplants?

Kidney transplant from a  deceased donor: In this procedure, the kidney of a  brain dead person  is taken with consent from the family and  placed into a recipient’s body. 

Kidney transplant from  living donor: We need only one kidney for survival.  In this process, the kidney is taken from a living donor with consent and placed into a recipients’ body.

Pre-emptive kidney transplant: This surgery is performed right before you initiate dialysis in a patient with CKD.

What is the role of a Nephrologist in a patient's treatment?

A nephrologist's role encompasses diagnosing kidney diseases, developing and managing a comprehensive treatment plan, overseeing dialysis treatments, preparing patients for kidney transplantation, and providing follow-up care. They also manage complications of kidney diseases like hypertension and electrolyte imbalances, ensuring holistic care for their patients.

How does a Nephrologist decide on a treatment plan?

A nephrologist will review your medical history, symptoms, and results from lab tests and imaging. They consider factors like the cause of your kidney issue, its severity, any underlying conditions, and overall health to tailor a treatment plan. This plan might include medications, lifestyle changes, dialysis, or in some cases, discussing transplant options.

How should I prepare for my first visit to a Nephrologist?

To prepare:

  • List your symptoms, including when they began and how they've changed.
  • Gather any recent lab results or imaging studies and prior medical records.
  • Compile a list of your current medications, including doses.
  • Note any questions or concerns about your condition or treatment options.
  • Consider bringing a family member or friend for support.

What documents should I carry on my first visit with a Nephrologist?

For your first visit, carry:

  • Any referral letters from your primary care physician or other specialists.
  • Your complete medical history and records, including details of previous treatments and surgeries.
  • Recent lab tests or imaging studies related to your kidney health.
  • A list of all current medications, supplements, and their dosages.
  • Your insurance card and identification.

Will a Nephrologist help manage side effects during treatment?

Yes, a nephrologist will actively manage any side effects during treatment. They monitor your response to treatment closely, making any necessary adjustments to minimize side effects. They also provide guidance on managing side effects at home and can recommend additional interventions or alterations to your treatment to ensure comfort and efficacy.

What are some of the common ailments that Urologists treat

The Urologists provide diagnosis and treatment for diseases of the urinary tract, that include incontinence or loss of bladder control, including urologic cancers, male sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, urinary stone disease, male infertility, impotence or erectile dysfunction and prostate disease, as well as specialist treatments for urinary tract reconstruction, Bladder Cancer, Erectile Dysfunction, Genitourinary Tract Injuries, Kidney Cancer, Peyronie's Disease, Priapism, Testicular Cancer and Urethral Injuries

What diseases can affect the kidneys

Our kidneys can compensate for the lost function and are highly adaptable. Therefore, most of the kidney diseases go undiagnosed until it's very late or difficult to reverse them. Some of the common kidney problems are Diabetic Nephropathy, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, Alport Syndrome, Glomerulonephritis, IgA Nephropathy (Berger’s Disease), Fabry Disease, Minimal Change Disease, Kidney Stones, Nephrotic Syndrome, and Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD. Health problems (like diabetes) affect your kidneys, and they may cause Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD. CKD is like permanent damage to the kidneys that may get worse over time. If they're so damaged that they stop working, it's called kidney failure, or end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

What are the common kidney stone symptoms

Kidney stones may not cause any symptoms until they shift within the kidney or pass into the ureter- the tube connecting the kidney and bladder. You may experience some of these signs and symptoms. Severe pain below the ribs, in the side and back, or pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in intensity, pain while urinating, pink, red or brown hued urine, cloudy or foul-smelling urine, nausea and vomiting, consistent urge to urinate or urinating more often than usual, urinating small amounts frequently, fever and chills in case there is some infection are some of the common symptoms. Pain caused due to kidney stone may change – in case they shift or increase in intensity as the stone moves through the urinary tract

When should you meet a Nephrologist?

If you are diabetic, hypertensive, elderly , get screened for kidney disease yearly with simple blood and urine tests. Earliest symptoms of kidney disease include puffiness of face, swelling of legs, nausea, reduced appetite, frothing of urine.

What is haemodialysis ? 

Normally kidneys filter the blood and remove the waste, salt and excess water. During haemodialysis, a machine takes over the job of the kidney. Blood is pumped from the body, filtered through a dialysis machine and then returned to the body.

What do you mean by  kidney transplantation ?

Kidney transplantation is a procedure where you insert a new healthy kidney into a person whose kidneys are diseased and no longer functioning. The donor of the kidney can be a living or a deceased person.

Who is a Nephrologist and what do they do?

A nephrologist is a medical doctor specializing in kidney care and treating diseases of the kidneys. They are experts in managing conditions that affect kidney function, such as chronic kidney disease, kidney infections, and hypertension that impacts kidney health. Nephrologists also oversee the management of patients requiring dialysis treatment and play a critical role in decisions regarding kidney transplantation.

What conditions do Nephrologists attend to?

Nephrologists treat conditions such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), acute kidney injury (AKI), kidney stones, hypertension affecting the kidneys, glomerulonephritis, electrolyte disorders, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring dialysis or transplant.

When should I consider seeing a Nephrologist?

Consider seeing a nephrologist if you experience symptoms of kidney dysfunction (such as swelling in the legs and ankles, high blood pressure, frequent urination, difficulty urinating, blood in the urine), have a rapid decline in kidney function, or have chronic conditions that could lead to kidney damage like diabetes and hypertension.

What questions should you ask a Nephrologist?

Questions to ask might include:

  • What is the current state of my kidney health?
  • What caused my kidney condition?
  • Are there any specific dietary or lifestyle changes I need to make?
  • What are my treatment options, and what do you recommend?
  • How will we monitor my kidney function over time?
  • Are there any potential side effects of the suggested treatments?

What advancements or technologies are utilized by Nephrologists?

Nephrologists use advancements such as high-resolution imaging (MRI, CT scans) for detailed kidney assessment, minimally invasive procedures for kidney biopsies, and the latest dialysis technologies including home dialysis options. They also employ sophisticated laboratory tests to evaluate kidney function and damage at a molecular level.


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