Aster Prime Hospital does not offer any sort of employment in exchange for payment of money for any purpose whatsoever. If you receive any similar kind of offer from anyone representing Aster Prime Hospital, please send an email with the intimation and related documents to [email protected].
Management of Sprains and Strains

Sprains/strains happen when you cannot put weight on the part of your body without pain, and the area appears bruised or swollen, or If there is tenderness and pain around a joint like radiation, thumb, knee, ankle, etc.

  • Avoid heat therapy, hot baths and massages, and alcohol for 10-15 days
  • Rest: no exercise/ physical activity.
  • Ice: apply ice pack/ frozen pea bag over the area every few hours for 20 minutes.
  • Compression: use compression elastics to manage any swelling.
  • Elevate: elevate the injured part above the level of the heart to reduce swelling.
  • Use otc painkillers and analgesic creams to reduce pain.

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