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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

In the case of chronic kidney diseases there is a gradual loss of kidney function over time, usually caused due to diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), glomerulonephritis, polycystic kidney diseases, urological causes, or others. Many a times the patients present to us in an advanced stage of CKD (stage 4 or 5) when it is not possible to identify the cause of kidney disease.  

CKD is an irreversible form of kidney disease that can progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) 

In the early stages of chronic kidney diseases, optimization of certain clinical and biochemical parameters is done in an effort to slow down the progression of the disease. If possible, clinically a kidney biopsy is done to identify the cause of CKD.  Emphasis is laid on strict blood pressure control, sugar control, regularity of checkups, and avoidance of over-the-counter medications that are harmful for the kidneys.  A diet suited to the patient’s medical needs and preferences is prescribed.  The role of regular checkups cannot be underplayed, as early detection and regular monitoring can go a long way in slowing down the progression of the disease.  If the primary cause of CKD is known, the prognosis may vary and help the patient and nephrologist anticipate outcomes.


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