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Deformity Correction

Deformity correction is a specialized area of orthopedic surgery that involves the correction of bone deformities, such as those caused by trauma, congenital conditions, or disease. Deformity correction is a complex orthopedic surgery that requires careful planning and execution to achieve optimal results. 

Eminent doctors of our orthopedic team use advanced surgical techniques for deformity correction to achieve significant improvements in function and quality of patient’s life.    

Some deformity correction techniques used by us include:

  • Osteotomy: This involves cutting and reshaping bones to improve alignment and function. The procedure may involve the use of metal plates, screws, or rods to stabilize the bone during the healing process.

  • External fixation: This involves the use of an external device, such as a frame or brace, to stabilize the bone and promote healing.

  • Internal fixation: This involves the use of metal plates, screws, or rods to stabilize the bone during the healing process.

  • Limb lengthening: This involves the use of a device to gradually lengthen the bone over time. This procedure is often used to correct limb length discrepancies.

  • Joint replacement: In cases where joint deformities are severe, joint replacement surgery may be necessary to restore normal function and mobility.

The goal of our team through deformity correction surgery is to restore normal alignment and function to the affected area.


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