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Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery

What is Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery?

Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery (TNTSES) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to access and treat conditions within the skull, specifically in the area of the pituitary gland and nearby structures. This surgical approach involves entering the nasal passages and sphenoid sinus to reach the surgical site, eliminating the need for external incisions.

When and why Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery is recommended?

Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery (TNTS) is recommended for various medical conditions, primarily those affecting the pituitary gland and adjacent structures within the skull base. Here are common scenarios in which TNTSES may be recommended:

  • Pituitary Tumors:
    Functioning Tumors: These are tumors that cause the pituitary gland to overproduce hormones. Examples include growth hormone-secreting adenomas, causing acromegaly, or prolactin-secreting adenomas.
    Non-functioning Tumors: These tumors do not produce excess hormones but may cause symptoms due to their size or compression of surrounding structures.
  • Non-Pituitary Skull Base Lesions:
    Meningiomas: These are tumors that arise from the meninges, the protective layers covering the brain and spinal cord.
    Craniopharyngiomas: Rare tumors that can affect the pituitary and adjacent structures.
  • Cleft Cysts:
    Cysts: Fluid-filled sacs that can form from remnants of Rathke's pouch, an embryonic structure from which the pituitary gland develops.
  • Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas:
    Bone Tumors: Rare tumors that may occur in the skull base, and TNTSES can be used for their surgical management.
  • Recurrent Tumors:
    Follow-up Treatment: TNTSES may be recommended if there is a recurrence or residual tumor after a previous surgery.
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Leak Repair:
    CSF Leakage: In some cases, TNTSES may be used to repair a cerebrospinal fluid leak, which can occur as a complication of previous surgeries or due to other causes.
  • Diagnostic Biopsy: Tissue Sampling: In cases where a definitive diagnosis is needed, a biopsy can be performed during TNTSES.

How is Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery different from the conventional treatment?

Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery (TNTSES) differs from conventional treatment, particularly in its approach and technique. Here are some key differences between TNTSES and conventional surgical methods for conditions in the pituitary and skull base:

  • Surgical Approach:
    This procedure is minimally invasive and involves accessing the surgical site through the natural openings of the nasal passages and the sphenoid sinus. It does not require external incisions on the scalp or face
  • Instrumentation:
    Utilizes an endoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light source at its tip. Surgical instruments are introduced through the nostrils to reach the target area .
  • Visibility and Illumination:
    The endoscope provides a magnified and illuminated view of the surgical field, allowing for better visualization of structures within the nasal passages and the skull base.
  • Recovery Time:
    Generally associated with a shorter recovery time compared to conventional approaches. The lack of external incisions typically leads to less postoperative pain and a faster return to normal activities.
  • Risk of Complications:
    Minimally invasive nature reduces the risk of certain complications, such as infection and scarring. However, there are still potential risks associated with any surgical procedure.
  • Hospital Stay:
    Often associated with a shorter hospital stay, and in some cases, it may be performed on an outpatient basis.

How is life after why Trans Nasal Trans Sphenoidal Endoscopic Surgery?

  • The benefits of transnasal transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery include: Minimally Invasive Approach: TNTS is less invasive compared to traditional open surgery, which can lead to a faster recovery and reduced postoperative pain.
  • Shorter Hospital Stay: Patients often experience a shorter hospital stay after transnasal transsphenoidal surgery compared to traditional approaches.
  • Quicker Recovery: Many patients can resume normal activities more quickly after TNTS compared to open surgery.


At Aster Hospitals we provide the highest quality of care and a transformative experience for all your healthcare needs. With our network of multi-speciality hospitals, specialised doctors, and world-class technology, we bring global standards of medical care to our patients.

What are the benefits of transnasal transsphenoidal surgery?

Benefits may include a shorter hospital stay, quicker recovery, reduced postoperative pain, improved visual symptoms, and a minimally invasive approach.

Will there be visible scarring?

No external incisions are made during transnasal transsphenoidal surgery, so there is typically no visible scarring.

What is the recovery time?

Recovery times can vary, but many patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks. Full recovery may take several weeks to months.


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