Dr. Roshan Snehith
Consultant - Paediatric Surgery
Dr. Roshan is a Consultant in Paediatric and Neonatal Surgery at the best multi-speciality hospital - Aster MIMS. He obtained his MBBS from Father Muller Medical College. He did his post- graduation in General Surgery from the National Board of examinations, New Delhi. He obtained a fellowship in Minimal access surgery from World Laparoscopy Hospital, New Delhi, followed by super specialization (Mch) from Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi. He has worked in various capacities in multiple institutions during surgical training, including CMC Vellore and PGIMER Chandigarh.
Being a young and dedicated surgeon, his focus is on evidence- based comprehensive care for all neonates and children requiring elective or emergency paediatric surgery. He performs a broad range of general and highly specialized surgical procedures to ensure that your child has the best possible chance of recovery with minimal incisions and trauma. He has a special interest in Paediatric endourology and reconstructive urology along with minimal access surgery (Keyhole surgery) which includes both laparoscopy and thoracoscopy. He is committed to bringing advanced and expert care to children in the Malabar region. He is the first paediatric surgeon in north Kerala to do successful neonatal thoracoscopic surgery in 2019 in day 2 newborn. He is the first pediatric surgeon in Kerala to do Laparoscopic Spleen sparing distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic tumor in 10 year old child in 2022.
- Paediatric Gastrointestinal Surgical and Urologic procedures.
- Antenatal Counselling for Pregnant mothers with Foetus having suspected congenital anomalies/Hydronephrosis.
- Laparoscopic and Endoscopic procedures
- Bronchoscopy for difficult Foreign Body Aspiration
- Completed close to 1750 indépendant surgeries.
- Youngest Operated Newborn weighing 710 gms
- Complex Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery-Open and Laparoscopic.
- Thoracoscopic CDH repair/ Tumor excision.
- Thoracoscopic drainage /VATS for complex Pneumonia/ Empyema thoracis.
- Trained In Robotic Surgery In children.
- Special Interest in Cancer Surgery in Children especially Wilms Tumor/ Neuroblastoma
- Lap Pyleoplasty /Vesicoscopic Ureteric reimplantation.
- Non Operative Treatment for Hemangiomas/Intussusception.
- Cosmetic Circumcisions.
- Bowel and Bladder Management programme for chronic Constipation.
- Is Steroid in infantile hemangioma:An unnecessary evil: WJPMR 2019..
- Post operative intravesical pressure and LHR in the prediction of neonatal morbidity in survivors with CDH: EJPMR 2019.
- The facets of paediatric trauma eventuating from RTA - A tertiary health care centre based retrospective study. Natl Med J India 2016.
- Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding caused by Meckel's Diverticulum, Indian Journal Of Surgery May 2020
- Anesthetic management of an infant with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type I for Fundoplication with feeding gastrostomy, Indian Journal of clinical Anesthesia, June 2023..
- Anesthetic Challenges in a toddler for video assisted thoracoscopic decortication -a case of Empyema Thoracis, Journal of Medical Case reports and reviews May 2023.
Paper Presentations
- ePoster presentation at 5th World Congress of Paediatric surgery, Washington 2016 "Management of intussusception:the Indian alternative."
- ePoster Presentation at 5th World Congress of Paediatric surgery, Washington 2016 "Gastroschisis in India: Current Practice"
- Paper presentation at KASPSCON 2019, Trivandrum - "Assessment of serum biochemical composite indices in prediction of early outcomes in children undergoing kasai's Portoenterostomy.
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