Dr. Nishad Kerakada
Senior Specialist - Plastic Surgery
Dr.Nishad Kerakada completed his MBBS from Govt Medical College,Thrissur,MS (General Surgery ) from Govt Medical College,Thiruvananthapuram,DNB(General Surgery) from National Board of Examinations, MNAMS from National Academy of Medical Sciences,Delhi,MCh(Plastic Surgery) from Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER),Pondicherry.
- Best Poster award IPACON 2021 (Indian Podiatry Association)
- Effi€cy of Erbium Ytrium Aluminium Gamet (Er YAG) Laser on Post Traunatic
Scars Amoug Indian Population a Non-Raadonized Study(2020-2022) - Advisor: Pmf. Dr Ravihmar Chittoria, Professor, Department of Plastic
Surgery, JIPME& Pondicherry(2020-2022) - Prevalence oflodioe Deficiency in Multitrodular Goiter Cases(2012-15)
Advisor: Dr. M Ganesb, GovL Medical College, Thiruvananthapurao, Kerala(2012-15)