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What question should you ask an anesthesiologist?

When you consult an anesthesiologist before a surgical procedure, you can ask them about the type of anesthesia they will perform. Also, if you have any questions regarding the procedure, you must not hesitate to ask them.


What advancements or technologies are utilized by Pulmonologists?

Pulmonologists utilize various advanced technologies and methods, including bronchoscopy (visual examination of airways), thoracentesis (removing fluid from the space around the lungs), and advanced imaging techniques (CT scans, MRIs). They also use pulmonary function tests to assess lung function and utilize cutting-edge treatments, including targeted therapies for lung cancer and biologic drugs for asthma.


What can you expect from Bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is done in the hospital using general anesthesia. This means you're unconscious during the procedure. The specifics of your surgery depend on your situation, the type of weight-loss surgery you have. Today, bariatric surgery      is performed laparoscopically or Robotic without making the traditional large cuts. Laparoscopic / Robotic surgery can make recovery faster and shorter. Depending on your procedure, you may need to stay a few days in the hospital.


What are the risks factors of Bariatric Surgery?

    As with any major procedure, bariatric surgery poses potential health risks, both in the short term and the long term such as:

    • Excessive bleeding.
    • Infection.
    • Reactions to anesthesia.
    • Blood clots.
    • Lung or breathing problems.
    • Leaks in your gastrointestinal system.

    Who benefits from Bariatric surgery?

    In general, bariatric surgery could be an option for you if:

    • Your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or more, called extreme obesity.
    • Your BMI is 35 called obesity, and have a serious weight-related health problem, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea. In some cases, you may qualify for certain types of weight-loss surgery if your BMI is 30 to 34 and you have serious weight-related health problems.

    How many days do I have to get admitted?

    Day care /one day/short stay admission: surgeries such as lap cholecystectomy / lap appendicectomy / lap hernia surgery

    Early morning admission > 6 to 8 hours of fasting > pre op medications > surgery > post op monitoring in recovery room > overnight ward stay > discharge next day

    Long stay admission: abdominal surgery, cancer surgery, intestinal surgery


    How to plan and schedule surgery?

    Post consultation you can meet anaesthetist(PAC- Pre Anaesthetic Check-up )and undergo basic blood investigations, and submit insurance documents / finance counselling to avoid hassle free admission and surgical procedure.


    What happens in outpatient department?

    Generally, most of you will approach surgeon with primary diagnosis, however symptoms such as abdominal pain, swellings, weight loss, bleeding, etc will be further investigated and diagnosed. Plan of care will be discussed to patient and family members.

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