Skin Care in Middle Aged Women

by Dr. Anuradha Kakkanatt Babu

The period between adulthood and old age when the skin shows signs of ageing. Collagen, the protein that helps skin retain its elasticity, is crucial for maintaining youthful features but skin loses its tone with age as collagen wears down, resulting in unwanted fine lines, wrinkles and periorbital pigmentation.

  • Using Vitamin A infused products: Topical Vitamin A products are useful because of the ability to increase collagen synthesis and decrease pigmentation of the skin. Your dermatologist can help you identify what kind of Vitamin A products you should use.
  • Water and Diet: Drinking 3 to 4 liters of water daily, avoiding junk food and following a healthy diet helps to keep skin hydrated and delays signs of aging.
  • Use sunscreen: Facial pigmentation can occur due to sun exposure, hormonal medications or pregnancy. Applying sunscreen with SPF 15-30 every 4 hours during day starting 30 minutes before stepping out helps to prevent aging and pigmentation.
  • Undiagnosed disorders: Break out of pimples in middle age (also known as ‘adult onset acne’) is a sign of underlying hormonal disturbances like Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOS). Consulting a dermatologist is advisable to get proper treatment rather than using over the counter products or self-medication.
  • Tackling potential hair loss: Hair loss can occur due to long term medications, any illness, stress, surgery and pregnancy. This usually resolves over time. A patch of hair loss or ‘Alopecia Areata’, is a temporary condition that is treatable once it has been diagnosed. In case of such conditions, consult a dermatologist and seek medication, as prescribed.