Health experts generally refer to such impulsiveness and lack of ability to concentrate as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/ hyperkinetic disorder/ attention deficit / hyperactivity.
ADHD is categorized into three types based on symptoms
Predominantly inattentive type - difficulty in organizing, paying attention to details, inability to follow instructions/ conversations or completing a task.
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type - physical restlessness
Combined type - combined symptoms of both types
What one should be aware is that is that all children are energy-packed, mischievous, inattentive and get distracted easily, and such behaviour should be confused as symptoms of ADHD.
Medication cannot cure ADHD
Though medication for ADHD in adults can certainly help a lot, there is no medical cure to this disorder. Adults who suffer from this attention deficit disorder should ideally take constant medical help to stay organised.
Not everyone who is hyperactive has ADHD
ADHD is all about being hyperactive, but that does not mean that every child/adult who is hyperactive is suffering from ADHD. We need to understand that almost all children are hyperactive in nature, and one can ascertain whether a child has ADHD or not only after a series of medical examinations that include blood test, urine test, brain scan and physical check up. As most children have problems controlling themselves - which is absolutely normal - a proper diagnosis can be quite challenging.
Intelligence is not related to ADHD
ADHD does not affect the intelligence of a person. People suffering from ADHD can be outstandingly bright and excel in any profession.
ADHD affects short-term memory
A person suffering from ADHD can have problems in remembering things that happened a few days or even a few minutes ago.
ADHD is a lifelong condition
ADHD is not a curable and will not just disappear one day. Hence people with ADHD should be trained to deal with it.
The real causes of ADHD are unknown
Scientists and health experts are still trying to figure out the real causes of ADHD. Genetics is believed to be a main reason of this disorder. Factors like brain injury, premature delivery, environmental exposure, low birth weight and substance abuse during pregnancy are also believed to be causes of ADHD.