Dr. Ravi A
Senior Consultant & HOD
Dr. Ravi did his entire medical training at Medical College, Calicut, Kerala. After completing his MS in ENT surgery in 1993, he joined National Hospital, Calicut as an ENT specialist under Prof. K.C.Vijayaraghavan. He left this job in 1998 to form an independent Institute of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery in 1998, in partnership with two other ENT specialists. This became a benchmark institute in Kerala for treating ENT diseases. This team joined the newly formed Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences in 2001. Initially appointed as a senior consultant, he became the Head of the Department of The Institute of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery at MIMS in 2005. The Institute of ENT at MIMS is the only center in Malabar in the private sector that has a Diplomate of National Board training program in ENT.
He is keenly interested in cochlear Implantation, micro-ear surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery and phono surgery. He was involved in starting the first-ever cochlear implantation program in Kerala in 2002 at MIMS. Dr. Ravi performed the first surgery of Sruthitharangam(Govt funded Cochlear Implant program in Kerala.) In addition to doing a large number of cases through this program at MIMS, he is also the mentor surgeon of the Sruthitharangam program at Calicut Medical College.
He was trained in cochlear implantation under Prof Gregorio Babighian at the University Hospital, Padova, Italy. He has also received advanced training in endoscopic sinus surgery under Prof. Heinz Stammberger in the University Hospital at Graz, Austria, and in Voice pathology at Freiberg Institute of Medical Sciences, Germany.
Dr.Ravi has to his credit one of the largest series of endoscopic repair of CSF rhinorrhoea and optic nerve decompression, in Malabar.
He was the Secretary of Malabar Branch of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India for 3 years, from 1999 to 2001, and the President of the Association from 2011 to 2012.
He has co-authored a paper titled ‘Allograft dura in myringoplasty’ in the Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery, along with Prof. C.A.Kurian in December 1993. He was the recipient of the Dr.Ashok Kumar Gold Medal for the best paper among practicing ENT Surgeons in the AOI Malabar Branch, in 2000. He has conducted research on the prevalence of Allergic fungal sinusitis in Malabar and presented his observations at the SAARC ENT Conference in Sri Lanka in 2005.