Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

by Dr. S Venkatesh

Dr. Venkatesh sheds light on recognizing warning signs of a heart attack in an interview with Vijay Karnataka.

Recognizing warning signs of a heart attack is crucial. High heart rate is prevalent in society, affecting even birds. Common misconception: Heart attack symptoms may not always occur on the left side.

The heart is actually in the middle of the chest but slightly turned to the left. Patients with high heart rate may experience heart disease in this area.

Identifying severe heart pain is crucial for early detection of heart attack

Severe heart pain can radiate from the chest to the arms, indicating a heart attack Heart attack pain may not be limited to just the chest area, and can even be felt in the ears. Radiating pain is a warning sign of heart disease. Elderly and people with kidney disease may not feel pain but experience tiredness or fainting. Recognize symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, or loss of consciousness as potential signs of heart disease. Heart rate increases with age and is influenced by health condition. The heart rate of a young girl and boy is very rare, but increases after 30-35 years for men and 40-45 years for women. The average heart rate is 50, 60, 70 years after this age and is influenced by conditions like BP, diabetes, cholesterol, and smoking


Polystyrene, weak body, lack of exercise may indicate a heart attack. Doctors use ECG to diagnose a heart attack, some patients may not show symptoms on ECG.Identify warning signs of heart attack , Blood tests and echocardiogram help in diagnosis.Heart attack symptoms include breathing difficulties, loss of consciousness, inability to breathe properly, and low BP. Early diagnosis of heart disease through tests like ECG, blood test, ECO, CT scan, and angiography can help diagnose heart disease, Suspecting heart disease and seeking medical help is crucial for timely diagnosis

Watch the video for all information!

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