Dr. Jeeson C Unni
Senior Consultant - Paediatrics
A veteran Paediatrician with more than 31 years of experience, Dr. Jeeson C Unni is an expert in paediatric and adolescent medicine. One of the most respected personalities in the paediatric healthcare fraternity, his areas of special interest include management of infectious diseases, respiratory allergy, paediatric therapeutics, learning disabilities, developmental paediatrics, vaccinology, adolescent counselling and family life education & life skills training for children and adolescents. Dr. Jeeson C Unni is the brain behind the IAP Drug Formulary - an Indian Academy of Paediatrics publication that’s considered the Bible of paediatric drug information (the second of its kind in the world) and used by more than 20,000 Paediatricians worldwide.
- Editor-in-Chief of the IAP Drug Formulary since its inception in 2005;edited 4 editions of the IAP Drug Formulary textbook, 4 editions of the Pocket Dose Book for Children and Adolescents, 2 editions of IAP Drug Formulary Infectious Disease Update
- Editor of 42 Web editions with 40 quarterly Web Updates; conceived the Online Desktop and PDA versions/ introduced the IAP Drug Formulary mobile apps in 4 platforms.
- Editor/ Reviewer to various paediatric journals and textbooks
- Authored chapters in textbooksPublished 50 articles in national and international peer reviewed journals
- National Convener – Indian Academy of Paediatrics Poor Scholastic Performance Program (2007 & 2011)
- Convenor of the module for Poor Scholastic Performance of IAP through which hundreds of workshops for paediatricians, psychologists, teachers, parents, school officials and general public are conducted across India.
- Actively involved in IAP advocacy for children with learning disorders: to get Learning Disorders included as a ‘disability’ in the to-be-amended Person’s With Disability Act of Govt. of India.
- Co Chairperson of the Inspection Committee to assess institutes / child development centers for accreditation to conduct IAP Fellowship in Developmental and Behavioral Paediatrics
- Actively involved in Baby Friendly Hospitals initiative Faculty BFHI Task Force: assessed hospitals in Ernakulam, Alappuzha and Thrissur for certification
- Nodal person of program of UNICEF and NNF Kerala (2001-2002) Trained Kudumbasree Program workers in 9 districts in Kerala on Essential Newborn Care
- Formulated a community-based program for children with Specific Learning Disability in association with Indian Psychiatry Society and ALDI (2004-2005)
- Associated with Sishu Bhavan of Missionaries of Charity in adoption programmes: conducted yearly sessions for parents of adopted children.
- Served in various posts of the Indian Academy of Paediatrics and National Neonatology Forum
- Member National Executive Board IAP 2015, Member IAP Advisory Committee on vaccines and immunisation practices (IAP ACVIP) – 2016
- President of IAP Kerala State Branch and National Neonatology Forum
- National Convener of Appropriate Paediatric Therapeutics (APT IAP)
- Resource person and Master Trainer for various IAP Action plansConducted/ Faculty of various State/ National paediatric conferences
- Recipient of several State/ National awards instituted by the Indian Academy of Paediatrics