Aster Life Cycle

Posted on : Jan 27, 2023


Bicycle has proven to be the best transportation for humans and the most beautiful connection between the inhabitants of seven continents, it gives us happiness in exchange for preserving the environment , it gives us sweetness of achievement and self challenge, we live with it the moment of reaching the goal with hope, Lets swim free away in freedom paradise with all its pedals.

While the prime focus that our Wellness Manager -Bleson Paul keeps is in making every patron get a Wonder WoW experience and our HR Manager Nijoy Peter MJ who focuses on taking every possible step to enhance Asterian Experience, to make everyone happy together here's to the next initiative we launch that's spearheaded and executed amazingly well by Dr. Ayesha Saleem. I so look upto these amazing stars at Aster making a difference in the life of people by planning and implementing ideas, with execution at lighting speed.

Adding the element of Service Excellence, Aster Life Cycle is such an initiative focusing the physical and mental well-being of Associates, Bystanders and Community.Aster with the support of Mybyk,  we launched 2 Hub stations, one for our Associates  to commute from Home/ Metro Stations to work and also for the Bystanders to explore the beauty of Kochi. Short rides in the early mornings or be it exploring the lush green 40 Acre Campus of our Destiny of Solace, this is the time for us to focus at our health and the planet. We had this wonderful initiative inaugurated by Dr. Sultan Al Harthy,Director of Treatment Abroad, Ministry of Health, Oman and Printed Maps are being kept  explore the near villages especially for our #MVT Bystanders who can also commute just at INR.2/- per hour.

So from the quotes of #shorestopinnacle, let me remind you - During your journey, do all the good you can, with all the means and by all possible ways.. Whenever you have an opportunity, Communicate with as many people as possible and your reward would be absolute success and complete happiness. Wisdom is in our sensible use of bicycles to spread love and hope.

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