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Prenatal / Antenatal Care

Antenatal care, also known as prenatal care, at Aster Nurture, adopts a holistic yet individualized approach to ensure a healthy pregnancy and the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby. It plays a vital role in ensuring a healthy pregnancy, identifying, and managing any potential complications, and preparing for a safe and positive childbirth experience. Several essential elements are involved in antenatal care, which typically involve regular visits to 


At Aster Hospitals we provide the highest quality of care and a transformative experience for all your healthcare needs. With our network of multi-speciality hospitals, specialised doctors, and world-class technology, we bring global standards of medical care to our patients.

What is prenatal care for pregnant women?

A physical examination, weight checks, and supplying a urine sample are typically included in prenatal visits to a healthcare professional. Health care professionals may also do imaging tests including ultrasounds and blood tests depending on the stage of the pregnancy.

What makes it prenatal?

Prenatal is a colloquial term that implies "before birth; during or relating to pregnancy. The word has probably been used in conjunction with words like care, healthcare, or vitamins. These phrases refer to a group of crucial actions that each pregnant woman should take to protect both her own and her unborn child's health


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