Severed palm replacement surgery at Aster MIMS

Posted on : Mar 02, 2021


Kozhikode, 30 October 2018: Plastic surgeons at Aster MIMS performed a rare surgery in which the accidentally chopped off palm of a 22 year old man was successfully replaced. Rauf from Nadamalpoyil, Kozhikode lost his palm in an accident that occurred at a Saw-mill in Manipuram.

On October 5th, Rauf, was at the Saw-mill looking to buy wood for his domestic requirements. Suddenly a stampeding bull dashed at him. While Rauf managed to successfully run away from the bull, he ran into the working saw-mill and through an unfortunate freak accident, his hands were severed by the blade. Rauf and his completely severed palm was immediately rushed to Aster MIMS Kozhikode.

The plastic surgery team lead by Dr Krishnakumar, Senior Consultant and Head, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Aster MIMS successfully replaced the severed palm in a 12-hour long 2-stage surgery. The first surgery which took more than 7 hours re-attached his minute blood vessels and bones. 3 days later, in a 5 hour long second stage surgery, the doctors were able to reconstruct his nerves and muscles.

Rauf left hospital after four days later and his hands have regained 90 percent of its functionality. With physiotherapy in the two to three months, he will be able to regain full functionality of his hand.

Dr Krishnakumar, Senior Consultant and Head, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Aster MIMS said, “In this case, it was the presence of mind displayed by Rauf’s colleagues who brought the sliced off palm in a bag of ice that was crucial to the patient’s recovery.”

Besides Dr. Krishnakumar, Dr. Saju Narayanan and Dr. Ajith Kumar Pati, Senior Consultants, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Aster MIMS, Dr Amrita Mandal, Consultant, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department, Dr Moidu Shameer and Dr. Pradeep Kumar, Orthopedics Department, Aster MIMS, Dr Kishore K and Dr Biju Shekhar, Anaesthetists, Aster MIMS also took part in this surgery.

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