Liver Cancer - Kashmiri

by Dr. Naveen Ganjoo

Advancements in liver cancer treatment

Fatty liver and common viruses like hepatitis B are leading causes of liver cancer. Treatment for liver cancer has significantly improved. Liver cancer can be rare in families, but early detection is crucial for successful treatment. Delaying treatment can worsen the condition, but effective treatments are available even in later stages.Early screening for liver cancer is crucial Liver cancer can be treated through removal operations or liver resection.It is important to detect liver cancer early for effective treatment

Treatment options for liver cancer

Local treatments like microwave therapy, chemotherapy, and angiogram focus on specific area. General treatments like radiotherapy target the entire body to fight liver cancer. Concentrated drug treatment is a potential option for managing the tumor. Liver cancer is a common and serious condition, with liver transplant being the only permanent solution. Contact Dr. Naveen Ganjoo at Aster RV Hospital Bangalore for Liver cancer treatment and management by Dr. Naveen Ganjoo.Liver cancer care and expertise available at Aster RV Hospital.


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