Dr. Ameena Mohammed
Specialist - Critical Care Medicine
Dr. Ameena Mohammed is the Specialist of Critical Care Medicine services in Aster MIMS, Calicut.
She has experience in the area of Critical Care Medicine. She has completed her M.B.B.S from JIPMER, Puducherry and MD Anaesthesiology from JIPMER and completed IDCCM from JBaby memorial hospital , Calicut.
- Anesthesiology
- Critical care medicine
ICMR project titled " Adherence to inhalation therapy in children with bronchial asthma"
Comparison of analgesic efficacy of quadratus lumborum block with epidural analgesia in patients undergoing hip and proximal femur surgeries - A randomised controlled trial
Attended mechanical ventilation workshop conducted in JIPMER in 2019
Case report Prevention of surge in cyrokines in sjogrens syndrome for cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC in Indian journal of Cancer education and research