Heart to Heart Cadiac Camp, a world heart day initiative by Aster Medcity & Malayala Manorama aimed at promoting preventive heart care, was inaugurated by Mrs. Soumini Jain, Honourable Mayor of Kochi at Aster Medcity on Saturday. Film Artist Tini Tom was the special guest at the function. which was attended by Mr. Ramesh Kumar, Chief Operating Officer and the cardiology team at Aster Medcity including Dr. Anil Kumar, Senior Consultant - Adult Cardiology; Dr. Manoj P Nair, Senior Consultant - Adult Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery; Dr. Anil S R, Senior Consultant - Peadiatric Cardiology; Dr. Rajasekhar Varma, Consultant - Adult Cardiology and Dr. Sunil Shivadas, Consultant - Interventional Cardiology.